
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Notes on Management 231121

Social loafing is when in a group task, an individual chooses to work less thinking that others will anyway accomplish the task. Decrease in motivation and productivity in group setting.

The Köhler effect occurs when an inferior team member performs a difficult task better in a team or coaction situation than one would expect from knowledge of his or her individual performance.

Peter Drucker uses terms entrepreneurial judo and not invented here, nih, to explain how japanese used transistors to capture the radio market, replacing the vacuum tube radios.

Economics is akin to intelectual prostitution as powers decide what they want and then favour economists who share those views.

Grit is combination of passion and perseverance over a long period of time. (Angela Duckworth)

There is no right decision. There is only the decision itself and the willingness to accept its consequences.
At times, we always assume the worst in people. Someone puts you on a case because they think you are the best. And we think, it was done to put us in our place, which makes us the worst.
Sometimes an emphatic no is the last step you have to take before jumping in with two feet.

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