
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Notes on Management 261021

 PUMA Pulled out of mid air (Mckinsey Edge book)


L.E.A.D.E.R.S: #1 Look & Listen. #2 Emotional Bonding.#3 Awareness. #4 Dare to Dream a new Reality and Do It. #5 Empowerment. #6 Responsibility. #7 Synchronicity

Happiness Formula: H = S+C+V (Happiness = Set Point In The Brain (Attitude) + Financial Conditions of Living + Voluntary Choices)

Soul Profile: Peak experience? Purpose? Contribution to family? Qualities in a best friend? Heroes in mythology, history? My strengths? Meaningful relationship mean?

PhD for money making is passion hunger drive

Knowledge is not data and facts. Data are facts, observations about occurences and numbers. Information is collection and synthesis of data. Knowledge is a mix of information, experience and context in a value adding process. That process first occurs in the heads of individuals where it is called uncodified knowledge. And when it is shared with others, it becomes codified. (Mckinsey Mind)

"When you make a commitment, you build hope. When you keep a commitment, you build trust."

Friday, October 22, 2021

Notes on Life 22102021

 Reverse Intentionality. A woman was being stalked and saved herself by rushing to her office. She gained composure after a while but her hands were still trembling. A colleague suggested to use reverse Intentionality by shaking her hands even more fast. This decreased her trembling.

Desirability bias is when you see what you want to happen and confirmation bias is when you see what you expect to happen

Use temptation bundling to do boring jobs. Link something tempting, instantly gratifying with a chore you want to do but avoid. For example, watch tv only when you exercise.

Humility is a reflective less, confident humility is a corrective lens. (Adam Grant in Think again)

Detach your present from the past and detatch your opinions from your identities.

Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance.

Life is a marathon, not a horse race.

Self affirmations work better when said out aloud to yourself. First you have think before speaking, then you speak, your ears hear and your brain registers what it heard. So four stages of impact.

We normally worry about memories of the past and imagination about the bad future.

"I have lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which have actually happened."