
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Notes on English Usage 220222

 I am in the hospital. (It means you are hospitalized)

I am at the hospital. (It means you are visiting someone who has been hospitalized)

There is a difference between recovering from an illness and re-covering a sofa.

There is difference between outdoor recreation and dramatic re-creation.

In Australia, it is common to use the word confronting for an idea which is controversial or difficult to accept. But this may not be understood so in other countries.

Four basics of good writing are : Simplicity, Clarity, Elegance & Evocativeness.

Writing can be done to inform, persuade, entertain, inspire.

Same format of dates etc. should be used in one document. So if its is 22 feb, 2022, it should not be written feb 22nd, 2022 at another place.

In speech, each page should end with a complete sentence.

Abbreviations should be avoided, and full forms given.

Numbers should be given in words.

Foreign names and phrases should have pronunciation hint.

Avoid over using weak words, also known as filler or hedging words e.g. somehow, somewhat, a little, rather, arguably, quite etc.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Notes on Communication 170222

 36000 is the number of visual messages human eye can register in one hour. 15000 is the number of words the average adult can read per hour. So visual communication is better.

NLG, a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI), is a software process that automatically transforms data into plain-English content. The technology can actually tell a story – exactly like that of a human analyst – by writing the sentences and paragraphs for you. NLG is one of the fastest growing technologies being adopted in the enterprise. There many use-cases for NLG, but where it is seen to be most effective is when deployed to automate time-intensive data analysis and reporting activities.

Narrow AI is created to solve one given problem, for example, a chatbot. Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is a theoretical application of generalized artificial intelligence into any domain, solving any problem that requires AI.

Moments of epiphany tend to come in the unlikeliest of circumstances. For Ian Goodfellow, PhD in machine learning, it came while discussing artificial intelligence with friends at a Montreal pub one late night in 2014. What came out of that fateful meeting was “generative adversarial network” or (GAN), an innovation that AI experts have described as the “coolest idea in deep learning in the last 20 years.”

Goodfellow’s friends were discussing how to use AI to create photos that looked realistic. The problem they faced was that current AI techniques and architectures, deep learning algorithms and deep neural networks, are good at classifying images, but not very good at creating new ones.

Goodfellow came up with the idea of a new technique in which different neural networks challenged each other to learn to create and improve new content in a recursive process. That same night, he coded and tested his idea and it worked. With the help of fellow scholars and alums from his alma mater, Université de Montréal, Goodfellow later completed and compiled his work into a famous and highly-cited whitepaper titled “Generative Adversarial Nets.”

4 Vs of Data. Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Notes on Management 160222

 Inspiration comes from deep within you, create effortless energy. Motivation comes from being pushed, by self(ego) or external force. You may like or not like the thing you are being motivated for.

The availability heuristic, also known as availability bias, is a mental shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to a given person's mind when evaluating a specific topic, concept, method or decision.The retrievability and ease of recall biases indicate that the availability bias can substantially and unconsciously influence our judgment. We too easily assume that our recollections are representative and true and discount events that are outside of our immediate memory.

Social loafing refers to the concept that people are prone to exert less effort when working collectively as part of a group compared to performing a task alone. Social loafing is more evident in tasks where the contribution of each group member is combined into a group outcome, making it difficult to identify the contribution of a single person.

Scope creep (also called requirement creep, or kitchen sink syndrome) in project management refers to changes, continuous or uncontrolled growth in a project's scope, at any point after the project begins. This can occur when the scope of a project is not properly defined, documented, or controlled.

Net promoter score (NPS, rarely Net Promo Score) is a widely used market research metric that typically takes the form of a single survey question asking respondents to rate the likelihood that they would recommend a company, product, or a service to a friend or colleague. The NPS assumes a subdivision of respondents into "promoters" who provide ratings of 9 or 10, "passives" who provide ratings of 7 or 8, and "detractors" who provide ratings of 6 or lower. Usually, users of the NPS perform a calculation that involves subtracting the proportion of detractors from the proportion of promoters collected by the survey item, and the result of the calculation is typically expressed as an integer rather than a percentage

Monday, February 14, 2022

Notes on Spirituality 150222

This all sounds good, but how to tap into this so-called higher state of consciousness, you ask?

Reflection (chintan),
meditation (dhyana),
self-study (svadhyaya),
devotion (bhakti) and
mindfulness (smriti)
are some of the methods for lasting effects. And the beauty is that none of these are mutually exclusive. Indeed, together they carve an incredibly rewarding path for you.

Each Veda has four subdivisions –
the Samhitas (mantras and benedictions),
the Aranyakas (text on rituals, ceremonies, sacrifices and symbolic-sacrifices), the Brahmanas (commentaries on rituals, ceremonies and sacrifices), and
the Upanishads (texts discussing meditation, philosophy and spiritual knowledge).

Just like eyes, as nerve end, perform a function in the body. An individual is the nerve end of the universe and performs a function in the universe.

All your sense are vibrations and woven into pattern and that sums up your experiences. Just like you can't describe music in words, but can experience it when you listen to it. Same goes for your experiences, vibrations. Simply observe how they go. That is essentially the process of meditation.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Notes on Management 090222

By Ajay Srinivasan

Sometimes it is important to set aside old habits and egos and be adaptable to learning from fresh talent who can offer a fresh, objective perspective on things and foster collaborative growth.

A partnership will be successful only when it is founded on complete trust and there is absolute clarity on roles. These can be achieved with open and transparent communication that helps leverage the strengths of both parties.

Use multiple sources of information to make an unbiased assessment about talent and create a development plan based on their core and strengths to nurture them into future leaders.

Some skills are not taught in business schools. It is sometimes important to trust your gut, always communicate clearly and collaborate and always be open to learning in order to be an effective leader.

By Harsha Bhogle on TV appearance
For better presence in TV interviews or presentation, come to the point straight away, do not overload message with too much information, don't speak too fast, pause for effect and to allow comprehension, summarize to drive home message.

Allow the interviewer to finish before you start speaking in an interview, remain calm, firm, and dignified in face of provocation.

Content is of paramount importance and everything else is designed to make it more effective. Work on projecting and modulating your voice for power and emphasis.

Panel discussions require prior preparation and timing to enter the conversation. Be civil, leave summarizing to the anchor, do not outshout others, and assume you are on camera at all times

Monday, February 7, 2022

Notes on Management 080222

Four aspects of user experience: Entertainment, education, Escapist, aesthetic. Richest experiences include all four.

Leadership is about how other people see you and making others successful. Success creates followers. Constant effort to identify, work on areas of development and weaknesses is the key. Being able to work on things that give a sense of purpose motivates you to do greater things.

To develop an executive voice, 1. Always understand the context of a conversation, 2. Focus more on the wider goal, 3. Reach out to more people and build relationships, 4. Think of solutions, and 5. Learn to stay calm.

By Kaihan Krippendorff
You can unlock the strategic advantage for your organization by employing five critical patterns that involve – imagination, dissection, expansion, analysis and selling--to drive enduring, sustainable growth.

By Damodar Mall

Emerging markets of the size of today's India or the United States at the turn of the last century, assert their preferences which are very distinct from other emerged markets. Global strategists should pay heed to what the local consumer wants in a deep and wide market such as India.

There are two Indias in terms of consumers. Retailers and marketers should target each segment differently. India 1 is exclusive and service-oriented, while India 2 shows its might on sale days when the price point is the sole factor.

Retail stores score higher than the neighborhood grocery store as they offer anonymity, choice, and change without compromising on price, comfort, and dignity.

Food habits in India are different from other regions in the world. A peek inside the refrigerator in a middle-class Indian home will throw up interesting observations: the size is bigger than the one they used earlier, perishables are stored for longer durations, open to exotic food, semi-ready for convenience, and no frozen meals.

Creating a choice for the consumer by modernizing retail, and charging a higher price for better quality is possible if the entire value chain participates. This is possible through FDI.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Notes on Life 070222

SPOTLIGHT EFFECT The spotlight effect is the phenomenon in which people tend to believe they are being noticed more than they really are. Being that one is constantly in the center of one's own world, an accurate evaluation of how much one is noticed by others is uncommon.

OVERJUSTIFICATION EFFECT The overjustification effect occurs when an external incentive decreases a person's intrinsic motivation to perform a behavior or participate in an activity. For example, imagine that children at a preschool are allowed to play with fun toys during their free time. If caregivers begin giving kids a reward for playing with these toys, the children may actually begin to feel less intrinsically motivated to play with those toys.Why does the overjustification effect occur? According to one theory, people tend to pay more attention to these external rewards rather than their own enjoyment of the activity.2 As a result, people think that their participation in the activity is the result of the external rewards rather than their own internal appreciation of the behavior.

PRIMACY EFFECT refers to the tendency to recall information presented at the start of a list better than information at the middle or end. This is a cognitive bias that is believed to relate to the tendency to rehearse and relate memory storage systems.

RECENCY EFFECT is a cognitive bias in which those items, ideas, or arguments that came last are remembered more clearly than those that came first. ... The recency effect is increased when too much information is presented too quickly, and it is reduced when coupled with other tasks.

OSTRICH EFFECT also known as the ostrich problem, is a cognitive bias that describes how people often avoid negative information, including feedback that could help them monitor their goal progress. Instead of dealing with the situation, we bury our heads in the sand, like ostriches. This avoidance can often make things worse, incurring costs that we might not have had to pay if we had faced things head-on.

My English Podcast "Lifebook" can be listened on the link

My Hindi Podcast "Kitabi Keeda" can be listened on the link

Books written by me are available on Amazon, Flipkart and Notionpress sites.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Notes on Life 040222

 Embracing your sense of purpose can involve overcoming personal obstacles, including shyness.

Your personal identity lends unique perspective and authenticity to any personal or professional endeavor. Embrace it to stand out.

People learn better when given life stories as examples. Don't just prescribe; show that you practice what you preach.

COBRA EFFECT A perverse incentive is an incentive that has an unintended and undesirable result that is contrary to the intentions of its designers. The cobra effect is the most direct kind of perverse incentive, typically because the incentive unintentionally rewards people for making the issue worse.[1][2] The term is used to illustrate how incorrect stimulation in economics and politics can cause unintended consequences,[2] and is an example of the proverb "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".

The term cobra effect was coined by economist Horst Siebert based on an anecdote of a (possibly ahistorical) occurrence in India during British rule.[2][3][4] The British government, concerned about the number of venomous cobras in Delhi, offered a bounty for every dead cobra. Initially, this was a successful strategy; large numbers of snakes were killed for the reward. Eventually, however, enterprising people began to breed cobras for the income. When the government became aware of this, the reward program was scrapped. When cobra breeders set their now-worthless snakes free, the wild cobra population further increased

PSYCHOLOGICAL REACTANCE Have you ever known someone, perhaps a young person, who seemed to do exactly the opposite of what he or she was asked to do? Sometimes it seems like it would be easier to tell them to do the opposite of what you want them to do; this is commonly known as reverse psychology. Usually, we think of children behaving in this manner, but the phenomenon has been observed in adults, as well. In psychology, this type of behavior is an example of reactance.

While reverse psychology is more of a layperson's concept than an actual part of psychology, it does help to illustrate the basic premise behind reactance. In psychology, reactance refers to a way in which a person thinks or behaves when perceiving a threat to his or her freedom. There are several types of reactance, as we'll see here now.

For instance, Charlie's mom tells him to wear his dress shoes instead of his sneakers to church. Suddenly, wearing the sneakers seems like a much more attractive choice because of his mother's insistence that he not wear them. In choosing to wear sneakers instead, Charlie protects his freedom by doing what his mother told him not to do.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Notes on Health & Nutrition 030222

 We require 600 international units iu of vitamin d daily. People above age 70 need 800 iu daily

Vitamin d helps in absorption of calcium in the body and is important for bones and muscles.

By Rujuta Diwekar
Exercise at least half an hour every day or 150 minutes per week. Have more coconut to improve brain function, be more reasonable and calm, and increase stamina. Add ghee (clarified butter) to the diet as it lowers the glycemic index.

Keeping updated and building on reputation help create credibility. The only thing that works in maintaining health is taking small steps towards long-lasting changes.

Good health should allow you to lead a much fuller life. Women and men look at health differently because they look at each other and themselves differently. Women have a distorted body image, they see a much fatter version than the reality.

Avoid the 3S: Sitting, Stress, and Smartphones. Don't start the day with tea or coffee, have a fruit or dry fruit with a homemade breakfast. Have fresh, local, wholesome and perishable food. Have a timely lunch. Eat rice for dinner, it is an easy-to-digest calming agent.

Sitting is a risk for developing heart disease and diabetes. For every time you sit for 30 minutes, stand for three minutes. Plan to exercise. For someone beginners, strength training and Iyengar yoga are safe options.

Nutrition transition causes diabetes. It happens when native communities with diverse eating habits start to eat differently. The solution is in going back to native eating habits.

Avoid pastries, cakes, chips, pizza, and biscuits. Serve chaas (a yogurt-based drink) or curd in long meetings, offer cashews that make people more patient, forgiving, and reasonable. It also gives a sustained blood sugar release, making you less likely to reach out for another cup of tea or coffee.