
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Notes on Management 300322

 Ace the most difficult negotiations by gauging your skillsets correctly and not transferring power to your opponent. Avoid mistakes such as overestimating their ability and imitating negative behavior. Instead, urge yourself on, listen and ask questions, and go into the meeting well-prepared.

A story that supports your brand makes the customer the hero. Determine your customer's greatest need and let that drive your narrative.

Every story needs a villain. Define your customer's main obstacle and make it the villain that your brand helps them overcome

Make your brand the guide in the story, not the hero. Offer your customer a way forward with empathy and confidence.

Customers trust the guide with a plan. Present your customer with a plan for achieving what they want and mitigating risk.

Challenge your customers to take action. Give them a direct or transitional call to action that moves toward closing the sale.

Customers need to know what's at stake if they don't buy your product. Show your customer how their vulnerability to key risks increases without your product.

Your customer needs a happy ending. Finish your brand story with a picture of exactly how your brand will help them achieve what they want—a win, a change, a holistic experience.
(Emeritus Insights on book Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller)

A fear appeal is a persuasive message that attempts to arouse fear in order to divert behavior through the threat of impending danger or harm. It presents a risk, presents the vulnerability to the risk, and then may, or may not suggest a form of protective action.(Wikipedia)

I can be reached at and whatsapp number 8800477973 for feedback, suggestions, ideas, collaboration, guest podcasts and other opportunities for working together.

My English Podcast "Lifebook" can be listened on the link

My Hindi Podcast "Kitabi Keeda" can be listened on the link

Books written by me are available on Amazon, Flipkart and Notionpress sites.

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