
Monday, September 27, 2021

Notes on Life 270921

Mother Nature and Father Time are two greatest healers

Buildup, anticipation or journey are sometimes better than destination.

Think of attitude as a skillset and not as a mindset. 

Your life starts with B (birth) and ends with D (death). In between there is a C (choice)

Practice being the last to speak, that is what Nelson Mandela did. Hold your opinions to yourself till the end.

Finite players play to beat others around them. Infinite players play to better themselves.

Zig ziglar gave a term automobile University, meaning learning through audiobooks, podcasts etc. during commute.

Your passion is for you. Your purpose is for others.

Routines root us.

Character above cover drives.

The studies have shown that people aren't good at forecasting their responses to emotional incidents. In particular, the researchers have found that people typically overestimate how long they will be unhappy following negative events. In short, the studies suggest, people forget that they possess what Gilbert, Wilson and their colleagues call a "psychological immune system," which shelters them from the worst effects of their misfortune

Identity foreclosure is a psychological term that describes one of the key steps young people experience in the process of finding a sense of self. At this stage, adolescents may adopt different traits and qualities from friends and relatives, but have not yet settled on their own.

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